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#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

struct odd: public unary_function‹int, bool› {

 odd() {}

 bool operator() (int n_) const  {return (n_ % 2) - 1;}


struct positive: public unary_function‹int, bool› {

 positive() {}

 bool operator() (int n_) const  {return n_ ›= 0;}


int array[6] = {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3};

int main() {

 int* p = find_if(array, array + 6, compose2(logical_and‹bool›(), odd(), positive()));

 if (p != array + 6) cout ‹‹ *p ‹‹ " is odd and positive" ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;
