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#include ‹stream.hxx›

struct pair {

 char* name;

 int val;


extern int strlen(char*);

extern int strcpy(char*, char*);

extern int strcmp(char*, char*);

const large = 1024;

static pair vec[large];

pair* find(char* p)


 for (int i=0; vec[i].name; i++)

  if (strcmp(p,vec[i].name)==0) return &vec[i];

 if (i == large) return &vec[large-1];

 return &vec[i];


int& value(char* p)


 pair* res = find(p);

 if (res-›name == 0) {

  res-›name = new char[strlen(p)+1];


  res-›val = 0;


 return res-›val;


const MAX = 256;

main ()


 char buf [MAX];

 while (cin››buf) value(buf)++;

 for (int i=0; vec[i].name; i++)

  cout ‹‹ vec[i].name ‹‹ ":" ‹‹ vec[i].val ‹‹ " ";
