В индексе представлены зарезервированные слова (записаны прописными буквами) и предопределенные идентификаторы языка Турбо Паскаль. После идентификатора стоит имя вводящего его модуля и буква, обозначающая его сущность: t — тип (type), с — константа (const), v — переменная (var), p — процедура (procedure), f — функция (function).
$DEFINE 57–58
$ELSE 57–59, 181, 183
$ENDIF 57–59
$IFDEF 57–59, 181
$IFNDEF 57–58
$IFOPT 57, 59, 183
$UNDEF 57, 59
AbsSystem.f 77, 175
ABSOLUTE 79–82, 292
Addr System.f 190–192, 197, 307
AND 77, 162, 166, 171–172
AndPut Graph.c 419, 452
AnyFile DOS.c 357
Append System.p 231, 235, 267–268
Arc Graph.p 406, 428–429, 439
ArcCoordsType Graph.t 429
Archive DOS.c 357
ArcTan System.f 175, 177
ARRAY 61, 69, 132–133
Assign System.p 221, 225–226, 268
AssignCRT CRT.p 315, 326, 343–344
ATT400 Graph.c 407, 413
ATT400Cx Graph.c 413
ATT400Hi Graph.c 413
ATT400Med Graph.c 413
Bar Graph.p 406, 439, 458
Bar3D Graph.p 406, 439
BEGIN 53, 93–94
BkSlashFill Graph.c 437
Black CRT.c 337, 438
Black Graph.c 441–442
Blink CRT.c 337, 442
BlockRead System.p 250–252, 267–268
BlockWrite System.p 250–252, 267–268
Blue CRT.c 337
Blue Graph.c 441–442
Boolean System.t 61, 64–66, 171, 241–242
BottomText Graph.c 464
Brown CRT.c 337
Brown Graph.c 441–442
BW40 CRT.c 329–330
BW80 CRT.c 329
Byte System.t 61–62, 65, 142, 164
C80 CRT.c 329
CASE 96–98, 138
CenterLn Graph.c 424
CenterText Graph.c 464
CGA Graph.c 407, 412
CGACx Graph.c 412
CGAHi Graph.c 412, 443
Char System.t 61, 64–65, 148–152
ChDir System.p 260–261, 267
CheckBreak CRT.v 320–322
CheckEOF CRT.v 319–320, 322–323
CheckSnow CRT.v 320–321, 331
Chr System.f 77, 152
Circle Graph. p 406, 427
ClearDevice Graph.p 406, 417, 423 ClearViewPort Graph.p 406, 423, 458
- 562 -
ClipOff Graph.c 456–458
ClipOnGraph.c 456–458
Close System.p 225–228, 263, 268
CloseDotFill Graph.c 437
CloseGraph Graph.p 405–406, 408
ClrEOL CRT.p 326, 334
ClrScr CRT.p 326, 329, 480
CO80 CRT.c 329–330
CompSystem.t 182
ComStr DOS.t 361
Concat System.f 153–154
CONST 53, 60, 75–76, 84
Copy System.f 153–154
CopyPut Graph.c 419-420, 452
Cos System.f 175
Cpu86 59
Cpu87 59
CRT модуль 7, 130–131, 314
CSeg System.f 189
CurrentDriver Graph.c 407
Cyan CRT.c 337
Cyan Graph.c 441–442
DarkGray CRT.c 337
DarkGray Graph.c 441-442
DashedLn Graph.c 424
DateTime DOS.t 350, 352–353
Dec System.p 176, 180
DefaultFont Graph.c 459–460, 462–464, 466
Delay CRT.p 326, 339, 342
Delete System.p 153, 155–156
DelLine CRT.p 326, 335–336
Detect Graph.c 407, 416
DetectGraph Graph.p 406, 413
Directory DOS.с 357
DOS модуль 7, 130–131, 345
DosError DOS.v 361–363, 381–382
DosExitCode DOS.f 379, 381–382
DosVersion DOS.f 346
DottedLn Graph.c 424
Double System.t 182–184
Drawpoly Graph.p 406, 420, 430–431
DSegSystem.f 189, 306
EGA Graph.c 407, 412
EGA64 Graph.c 407, 413
EG A64Hi Graph.c 413
EGA64Lo Graph.c 413
EGABlack-EGAWhite Graph.c 446
EGAHi Graph.c 412
EGALo Graph.c 412
EGAMono Graph.c 407, 413
EGAMonoHi Graph.c 413
Ellipse Graph.p 406, 428, 439–440
ELSE 94–97
Empty Fill Graph.c 437
END 53, 71–72, 93–94
EnvCount DOS.f 346–348
EnvStr DOS.f 347–348
EOF System.f 226, 229–230, 259, 268, 322
EOLn System.f 232, 235–237, 268
Erase System.p 225, 228–229, 267–268
ErrorAddr System.v 309
Exec DOS.p 379–381
Exit System.p 105, 124
ExitCode System.v 309
ExitProc System.v 309, 311
Exp System.f 175
Extended System.t 182–184
EXTERNAL 112–113
ExtStrDOS.t 357, 361
Fail System.p 289, 292
False System.c 64–66, 68, 174
FExpand DOS.f 357, 360, 368
FILE 61, 224, 245, 249–250, 360
FileMode System.v 247, 267–268
FilePos System.f 255–257, 268
- 563 -
FileRec DOS.t 250, 358–360
FileSize System.f 255-257, 259, 268
FillChar System.p 151, 295, 299–301
FillEllipse Graph.p 406, 429, 440
FillPatternType Graph.c 436-437, 439
FillPoly Graph.p 406, 410, 440–441
FillSettingsType Graph.t 438
FindFirstDOS.p 356–357, 361–363, 365
FindNext DOS.p 356–357, 361–363, 365
FloodFill Graph.p 406, 410, 441
Flush System.p 232, 235, 268
fmClosed DOS.c 358
fmInOut DOS.c 358
fmInput DOS.c 358
fmOutput DOS.c 358
Font8x8 CRT.c 330, 473
FOR 100–103, 105, 108
FORWARD 112, 126–127, 272
Free System.f 175,179
FreeMem System.p 200–202, 204, 208–209, 312
FreeMin System.v 206–207
FreePtr System.v 206–207
FSearch DOS.f 356, 364–365
FSplit DOS.p 357, 360, 367
FUNCTION 107, 114
GetArcCoords Graph.p 406, 429
GetAspectRatio Graph.p 406, 427, 440
GetBkColor Graph.f 406, 443
GetCBreak DOS.p 346–347
GetColor Graph.f 406, 443
GetDate DOS.p 350
GetDefaultPalette Graph.p 406, 444
GetDir System.p 259–260, 268
GetDriverName Graph.f 406, 416
GetEnv DOS.f 346–348
GetFAttr DOS.p 356, 365–366
GetFillPattern Graph.p 406, 439
GetFillSettings Graph.p 406, 438
GetFTime DOS.p 350, 353–354
GetGraphMode Graph.f 406, 415, 419
GetImage Graph.p 406, 452, 454, 521
GetIntVec DOS.p 369, 371
GetLineSettings Graph.p 406, 425
GetMaxColor Graph.f 406, 442, 444
GetMaxMode Graph.f 406, 415–416
GetMaxX Graph.f 406, 421, 423
GetMaxY Graph.f 406, 421, 423
GetMem System.p 200–202,
207–210, 312
GetModeName Graph.f 406, 416
GetModeRange Graph.p 406, 407, 416
GetPalette Graph. p 406, 444
GetPaletteSize Graph.f 406, 444
GetPixel Graph. f 406, 448
GetTextSettings Graph.p 466
GetTime DOS. p 350–352
GetVerify DOS. p 346–347
GetViewSettings Graph.p 406, 457
GetX Graph.f 406, 423
GetY Graph.f 406, 423
GothicFont Graph.c 459
GOTO 102–105, 111
GotoXY CRT.p 326, 331–334, 464
Graph модуль 7, 130–131, 405
Graphs модуль 7–8, 130–131
GraphDefaults Graph.p 406, 417, 423
GraphErrorMsg Graph.f 406, 409–410
GraphResuIt Graph.f 406, 409, 414
Green CRT.c 337
Green Graph.c 441–442
grError Graph.c 411, 438, 444, 457, 462
grFileNotFound Graph.c 410
grFontNotFound Graph.c 410
grInvalidDeviceNum Graph.c 411
grInvalidDriver Graph.c 410
grInvalidFont Graph.c 411, 462
grInvalidFontNum Graph.c 462
grInvalidMode Graph.c 411
grIOError Graph.c 411
grNoInitCraph Graph.c 410
grNoFloodMem Graph.c 410
grNoFontMem Graph.c 410
grNoLoadMem Graph.c 410
grNoScanMem Graph.c 410
grNotDetected Graph.c 410, 414
grOk Graph.c 410
Halt System.p 106, 202, 309, 311
HatchFill Graph.c 437
- 564 -
НеарError System.v 209–211
HeapOrg System.v 198–199, 204
HeapPtr System.v 198–199, 203,
HercMono Graph.c 407
HercMonoHi Craph.c 413
HiSystem.f 77, 304, 306
Hidden DOS.c 357, 367
HighVideo CRT.p 326, 338
HorizDir Graph.c 459
IBM8514 Graph.c 407, 413
IBM8514Lo Graph.c 413
IF 94–98
ImageSize Graph.f 406, 451–452, 522
IMPLEMENTATION 125, 127, 129
IN 77, 152, 163
IncSystem.p 176, 180
InitGraph Graph.p 405–408, 410, 414–418, 423
INLINE 115, 126, 305–307
INLINE директива 307
InOutRes System.v 262
Input System.v 229, 231, 236, 238, 315–316
Insert System.p 154–156
InsLine CRT.p 326, 335–336
InstallUserDriver Graph.f 406, 469
InstallUserFont Graph.f 407, 462
IntSystem.f 175, 179, 306
Integer System.t 61–63, 165
INTERFACE 125–126, 129
InterleaveFill Graph.c 437
INTERRUPT 115, 126, 371–372
IntrDOS.p 370, 373
IOResult System.f 262, 265, 267
KeepDOS.p 379, 384
KeyPressed CRT.f 326, 342–343
LABEL 52–53, 104
LastMode CRT.v 320, 330–331, 473
LeftText Graph.c 464
Length System.f 77, 153–154, 193
LightBlue CRT.c 337
LightBlue Graph.c 441–442
LightCyan CRT.c 337
LightCyan Graph.c 441–442
LightGray CRT.c 337
LightGray Graph.c 441–442
LightGreen CRT.c 337
LightGreen Graph.c 441–442
LightMagenta CRT.c 337
LightMagenta Graph.c 441–442
LightRed CRT.c 337
LightRed Graph.c 441–442
Line Graph.p 406, 420, 424, 457
LineFill Graph.c 437
LineRel Graph.p 406, 420, 423–424, 426
LineSettingsType Graph.t 424–425
LineTo Graph.p 406, 420, 423–424
Ln System.f 175, 313
Lo System.f 77, 304, 306
LongInt System.t 61–63, 165, 175–176
LowVideo CRT.p 326, 338
Lst Printer .v 387–388
LtBkSlashFill Graph.c 437
LtSlashFill Graph.c 437
Magenta CRT.c 337
Magenta Graph.c 441–442
Mark System.p 200, 202–204
MaxAvall System.f 200, 204–205, 207
MaxColors Graph.c 444
MCGA Graph.c 407, 412
MCGACx Graph.c 412
MCGAHi Graph.c 412
MCGAMed Graph.c 412
MemAvail System.f 200, 204–205, 207
Mem System.v 297–298
MemL System.v 297–298
MemW System. v 297–298;
MkDir System.p 260–261, 267
MOD 77, 162, 164
Mono CRT.c 324, 330
Move System.p 295, 301–304
MoveRel Graph.p 406, 423
- 565 -
MoveTo Graph.p 406, 423, 426
MsDos DOS.p 370, 373–374
MsDos 59
NameStrDOS.t 357, 361
New System.pf 200–204, 209–210, 287–289, 312
NIL 195, 289
NormVideo CRT.p 326, 331, 338
NormWidth Graph.c 424
NoSound CRT.p 326, 339
NOT 77, 162, 166, 171
NotPut Graph.c 419, 452
OBJECT 61, 72, 271, 276
Odd System.f 77, 176
OF 61, 97, 142
Ofs System.f 190–192, 206, 307
OR 77, 163, 166, 168, 172
Ord System.f 67, 77, 152, 154
OrPut Graph.c 419, 452
Output System.v 231, 238, 241, 315–316
OutText Graph.p 158, 407, 423, 463
OutTextXY Graph.p 158, 407, 463,
465, 470
Overlay модуль 7, 130–131, 393
OvrClearBuf Overlay.p 399–400
OvrCodeList System.v 403
OvrDebugPtr System.v 403
OvrDosHandle System.v 403
OvrEMSHandle System.v 403
OvrError Overlay.с 396–397, 399
OvrFileMode Overlay .v 402–403
OvrGetBuf Overlay.f 398, 400–401
OvrGetRetry Overlay.f 401
OvrHeapEnd System.v 400, 403
OvrHeapOrg System.v 400, 403
OvrHeapPtr System.v 403
OvrHeapSize System.v 399, 403
OvrInit Overlay.p 395–397, 399, 401–404, 313
OvrInitEMS Overlay.p 397, 399, 401
OvrIOError Overlay.c 396–397
OvrLoadCount Overlay .v 401–402
OvrLoadList System.v 403
OvrNoEMSDriver Overlay.c 396–397
OvrNoEMSMemory Overlay.c396-397
OvrNoMemory Overlay.c 396–397, 399
OvrNotFound Overlay.c 396
OvrOk Overlay .с 396
OvrReadBuf Overlay .v 402
OvrReadFunc Overlay.t 402
OvrResult Overlay.f 396–397, 399, 402
OvrSetBuf Overlay.p 399–400
OvrSetRetry Overlay.p 401
OvrTrapCount Overlay.v 401–402
PackTime DOS.p 350, 353
PaletteType Graph.t 444–445
ParamCount System.f 295–296
ParamStr System.f 295–297
PathStr DOS.t 356–357, 361
PC3270 Graph.c 407, 413, 443
PC3270Hi Graph.c 413
Pi System.f 175, 177
PieSlice Graph.p 406, 429, 440
Pointer System.t 61, 65, 189–190,
PointType Graph.t 436, 441
Port System.v 298–299
PortW System.v 299
Pos System.f 154, 157–158
Pred System.f 67–68, 77, 152
PrefixSeg System.v 187
Printer модуль 7, 130–131, 387
PROCEDURE 106, 114, 283
PROGRAM 51, 141
Ptr System.f 77, 190, 192–193, 197
PutImage Graph.p 406, 452, 454, 458, 522
PutPixel Graph.p 406, 450
Random System.f 176, 179–180
Randomize System.p 176, 179
RandSeed System.v 180
Read System.p 247, 267–269
Read System.p (текст) 238–242, 316, 318, 342
- 566 -
ReadKey CRT.f 326, 342–343, 496
ReadLn System.p 238, 241, 268–269,
315-316, 3V8, 342
ReadOnly DOS.c 357, 367
RealSystem.t 61, 63, 183
RECORD 61, 71, 135–136
Rectangle Graph.p 406, 420, 430
Red CRT.c 337
RegisterBGIdriver Graph.f 406, 461
RegisterBGIfont Graph.f 407, 461
Registers DOS.t 370, 374
Release System.p 200, 202, 203, 204
Rename System.p 225, 228–229, 267–268
REPEAT 99–100
Reset System.p 225, 227, 247, 250,
RestoreCrtMode Graph.p 405–406, 418–419
Rewrite System.p 225, 227, 247, 250, 267–268
RightText Graph.c 464
RmDir System.p 260–261, 267–268
Round System.f 77, 176, 179, 185
RunError System.p 311
SansSerifFont Graph.c 459
SaveIntNN System.v 379
SearchRec DOS.t 356–357, 362
Sector Graph.p 406, 429, 439–440
Seek System.p 255, 257, 259, 268
SeekEOF System.f 232, 237–238, 268
SeekEOLn System.f 232, 237, 268
Seg System.f 190–192, 307
Self System.v 273–274, 292–293
SET 61, 70, 142
SetActivePage Graph.p 406, 454, 456
SetAllPalette Graph.p 406, 444
SetAspectRatio Graph.p 406, 427
SetBkColor Graph.p 406, 442
SetCBreakDOS.p 346, 347
SetColor Graph.p 406, 442
SetDateDOS.p 350
SetFAttrDOS.p 356, 365–366
SetFillPattern Graph.p 406, 437
SetFillStyle Graph.p 406, 437–438
SetFTimeDOS.p 350, 353–354
SetGraphBufSize Graph.p 406
SetGraphMode Graph.p 405-406, 417, 423, 521
SetIntVecDOS.p 369, 371
SetLineStyle Graph.p 406, 425
SetPalette Graph.p 406, 444
SetRGBPalette Graph.p 406, 446
SetTextBuf System.p 227, 231–235
SetTextJustify Graph.p 407, 464
SetTextStyle Graph.p 407, 459, 462, 464–466
SetTimeDOS.p 350–352
SetUserCharSize Graph.p 407, 466
SetVerifyDOS.p 346, 347
SetViewPort Graph.p 406, 423, 457–458
SetVisualPage Graph.p 406, 454, 456
SetWriteMode Graph.p 406, 419-420, 452
SHL 162, 169–170
Shortint System.t 61–62, 165
SHR 162, 169
Sin System.f 175
Single System.t 182–184
SizeOf System.f 77, 190, 193, 292, 299
SlashFill Graph.c 437
SmallFont Graph.c 459
SolidFill Graph.c 437–438
SolidLn Graph.c 424
Sound CRT.p 326, 339–340, 342
SPtr System.f 189
Sqr System.f 175
Sqrt System.f 175, 313
SSeg System.f 189, 306
StackLimit System.v 188
Str System.p 154, 157–159, 185
STRING 61, 64, 148, 149
Succ System.f 67–68, 77, 103, 152
Swap System.f 77, 304
SwapVectorsDOS.p 379
SysFile DOS.c 357
System модуль 7, 130–131
Test8087 System.v 181
TextSystem.t 61, 223, 231, 360
- 567 -
TextAttr CRT.v 320, 323–324, 337–338, 474
TextBackground CRT.p 324, 326, 329, 337
TextBuf DOS.t 359
TextColor CRT.p 324, 326, 337
TextHeight Graph.f 407, 465
TextMode CRT.p 326, 329–331
TextRec DOS.t 359–360
TextSettingsType Graph.t 466
TextWidth Graph.f 407, 465
THEN 94–95
ThickWidth Graph.c 424
TO 101
TopOff Graph.c 439
TopOn Graph.c 439
TopText Graph.c 464
TriplexFont Graph.c 459
True System.c 64–66, 68, 174
Trunc System.f 77, 175, 179, 313
Truncate System.p 255, 259
Turbo3 модуль 7–8, 130–131
TYPE 53, 60, 273
TypeOf System.f 292
UNIT 124–125
UnpackTime DOS.p 350, 353
UNTIL 99–100
UpCase System.f 152
UserBitLn Graph.c 424–425
UserFill Graph.c 437–438
USES 52-53, 124–130, 394–395
Val System.p 154, 160
VAR 53–54, 78, 84, 109
Ver55 59
VertDir Graph.c 459
VGA Graph.c 407, 413
VGAHi Graph.c 413
VGALo Graph.c 413
VGAMed Graph.c 413
ViewPortType Graph.t 456, 457
VolumeID DOS.c 357
WhereX CRT.f 326, 334
WhereY CRT.f 326, 334
WHILE 98–100, 103
White CRT.c 337
White Graph.c 441–442
WideDotFill Graph.c 437
Win модуль 8, 479
WindMax CRT.v 320, 328–329
WindMin CRT.v 320, 328–329
Window CRT.p 325, 327–329, 479–480
WITH 140–141, 273–274
Word System.t 61-63, 65, 164
Write System.p 267, 269, 314–316
Write System.p (текст) 238, 241–243, 314–316, 332
WriteLn System.p 238, 241–242, 268–269, 316, 332
XHatchFill Graph.c 437
XOR 77, 163, 166, 168, 172
XORPut Graph.c 419, 452
Yellow CRT.c 337
Yellow Graph.c 441–442
- 568 -