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1. Scott Page, The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies (Princeton University Press, 2007), p. xvii.

2. Clean Air Act, 42 U. S. C. 7401 (2006).

3. Clean Air Act, 42 U. S. C. 7408 (2) (2006).

4. Danish Board of Technology, “Consensus Conference” (www.tekno.dk/subpage.php3?article=468&toppic=kategori12&language=uk [October 2008]).

5. David Chartier, “Social Networks Exploding: May Appear in Government,” ArsTechnica, October 26, 2008 (arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20081026-studies-social-networks-exploding-could-outmode-government.html [October 2008]).

6. Руководство для участия граждан Wiki Policing Act of 2008, см.: www.e.govt.nz/policy/participation/guide-to-online-participation.

7. For the Melbourne Ten-Year Plan Wiki, см.: www.futuremelbourne.com.au.

8. Carmen Sirianni, Investing in Democracy: Civic Engagement and Collaborative Governance (Brookings, 2009), p. 77.

9. Barack Obama, “Science, Technology, and Innovation for a New Generation,” November 14, 2007 (www.barackobama.com/pdf/issues/technology/Fact_Sheet_Innovation_and_Technology.pdf [October 2008]).

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